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XY Platform

Started 28th June 2018
This is a 3D print of a small, low power, XY platform (or stage), driven by stepper motors from CD/DVD drives. It consists of three designs; the sides and bearing holders are printed four times; the centre platform is printed once.

Hardware required:
8 x 150 mm x 3 mm linear rail
12 x LM3UU bearings
4 x B-04E "drive stepper motor screw + a nut slider small Stages DIY"
M3 nuts and bolts
M2 bolts
The B-04E sold on AliExpress appear to have been salvaged from old drives. Photos of B-04E.

B-04E drive stepper motor screw + a nut slider small Stages DIY, David PillingB-04E drive stepper motor screw + a nut slider small Stages DIY, David Pilling

The problem I had is that the stepper motors are not powerful and some of the bearings did not move smoothly. I connected the pairs of stepper motors in parallel - as seen in many 3D printers - it did not work well here. Initially the stage would not always move, but after lubricating the bearings it was OK.

I controlled the motors using an Arduino Uno with CNC shield. I populated this with DRV8825 stepper motor drivers. I used 12 V power. This combination will drive the motors, although it is possible to get them too hot, if the current setting is too high.

Open SCAD source can be downloaded from the following link. It should have a call to plate() for the centre platform, bearing() for a bearing holder or oneside() for a side.

XY platform, David PIllingXY platform, David PIllingXY platform, David PIllingXY platform, David PIlling

Later I designed a better mount for the B-04E incorporating an optical sensor for homing - see Puddle Lab.


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