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Ovation Pro Resource files for RISC OS

This page provides Ovation Pro-related files for downloading. Note that all files are archived, so you will need a de-archiver such as SparkFS. This page is a combination of what was always online combined with the contents of the "Others" folder on the CD. Some items are usable with the Windows version of Ovation Pro, many are not e.g. filters and compressed dictionaries.

Script Language
Strong Help
Location Others.Crawford.Resources
This is a Strong Help manual giving descriptions of the Ovation Pro functions. This is useful because it can be easily accessed from inside programmers editors.

Example Documents

Location Others.Clegg.Examples
Copy of a magazine produced using Ovation Pro.

DTP with Ovation Pro
Location Others.Hallas.Resources.Risc User
This directory contains a set of thirteen articles which appeared in RISC User magazine, volumes 11 and 12. The articles concern various aspects of desktop publishing using Ovation Pro, and were all written by Richard Hallas.

A frequent requirement is for label templates there are a number on the CD, these are standard Avery labels, the width, height (in mm) and number of labels are given.

Avery Labels
Location Others.Brown.Examples
L7651 L 7651 38.1x21.2x65

Avery Labels
Location Others.Ellacot.Examples
L14 Avery L14 Labels

Avery Labels
Location Others.Johnson.Examples
L7160 L7160 63.5x38.1x21 L7162 L7162 99.1x34x6 L7664 L7664 Diskette 70x71.9x8

Avery Labels
Location Others.Kirk.Examples L7159 L7159 64x34x24 L7161 L7161 63.5x46.6x18 L7164 L7164 63.5x72x12

Location Others.Symes.Examples
Contains a collection of useful templates and examples of how to achieve certain effects.

Location CD.Others.Symes.EuroFont
contains some notes on how to display the Euro character if your old fonts do not support it.


New borders JMAH van Vredenburch's border upgrade.


Upgrade to JMAH van Vredenburch's Dutch dictionary and hyphenation dictionary. (419K) (24/8/2010)

Upgrade to JMAH van Vredenburch's French dictionary. (126K) (24/8/2010).

Dutch hyphenation
Upgrade to Paul Sprangers large Dutch hyphenation dictionary. (725K) (26/10/2010).

Location Others.Vredenburch.Dictionaries.Dutch
A Dutch dictionary

Location Others.Vredenburch.Dictionaries.Dutch
A text file of Dutch words one can add to the hyphenation dictionary.

Location Others.Vredenburch.Dictionaries.French
A large French dictionary

Location Others.Vredenburch.Dictionaries.German

Location Others.Korwin.Dictionaries

Location Others.Mawhood.Dictionaries

Location Others.Tengelsen.Dictionaries


!TransIMP 1.06
Impression document loader, requires Ovation Pro 2.60 or later 26/32 bit compatible(30K) (10/2/2007).
For source code see Impression.

!TransDDF 1.13
Latest version with bug fixes. 26/32 bit compatible (16K) (10/2/2007).
Source code is contained in the Ovation Pro for RISC OS source code archive.

!TransRTF 1.83
Latest version with various bug fixes (21K).
This is 26 bit only and won't work on newer versions of RISC OS. The source code is lost, see the new version 2.00 below.

!TransRTF 2.02
Rewritten 26/32 bit version - 28th March 2007 (21K).

!TransData 1.01
Crude attempt to strip ASCII text out of any file. 26/32 bit compatible (9K).

!TransFSI 1.01
Graphics loader using ChangeFSI. Bug fixed for RISC OS 5. (9K).
Note that you will have to edit this to not attempt to load any file types for which you have other loaders - for example TIFF and PNG.

!TranTIFF+ 1.01
Improved TIFF loader. (77K).

!TranPNG 1.00
PNG loader using Darren Salt's png2spr utility.

!TransPCD 1.01
PhotoCD loader using ChangeFSI. Bug fixed for RISC OS 5. (9K).

Replacement !Server file. 26/32 bit compatible. The filters above which are 26/32 bit compatible already include this file. (5K).

Location Others.Thompson.Filters
The filter !TransWord allows some MicroSoft Word files to be loaded. Note newer versions of Word are not supported.

Location Others.Levens.Filters
The filter !TransHTML allows some HTML files to be loaded.

Location Others.Levens.Filters
The filter !TransGIF allows GIF files to be loaded into picture frames. Note that this filter supports masks and hence does a better job for GIF’s than !TransFSI.

Colour Charts
Location Others.Piper.Resources.ColourCharts
Colour charts can be installed by copying them into the !OvnPro.!OvnResDir.Colours directory. In this example you could copy the files Draw and Netscape.


Set the key short-cuts to resemble those in Impression. (2K).

Sample multi-row button bar. (9K).

Program Fixes

CCprfix 1.03
Latest version of script which fixes problems of upside-down pictures printed using Turbo Drivers or Laser Direct.(1K).

Replacement Thesaurus data file
The data file in some versions of the Thesaurus is corrupt, this file fixes it. The corrupt file is in the version of Thesaurus supplied on white floppy discs and on CD's which either don't have a DavidPilling.Documentation.Changes file, or where the Changes file starts at the 9th of October 2000. (60K).

Thesaurus upgrade.
Upgrade Thesaurus from version 1.24 to 1.25. 1.25 is 26/32 bit compatible. (100K).


Applets (07/09/99)
Series of three articles by Tony Howat published in Risc User in 1998 on writing OvationPro applets. (165K).

Macros (07/12/99)
Series of two articles by John Pettigrew published in Acorn User in 1999 on writing OvationPro macros. (26K).

Applets (30/4/05)
A series of three articles written by John Pettigrew on writing Ovation Pro applets published in Acorn User in 2000. (236K).

CMYKC (18/11/99)
Notes on how to calibrate the on screen conversion to RGB of CMYK colours. (4K).

RISC OS 4 (18/11/99)
Discussion of problems with RISC OS 4 and solutions (1K).

Spell (18/11/99)
Applet demonstrating how to make use of spelling error events (pedagogical use only)(1.5K).

Impression DDF specification (19/11/03)
Explains how to write DDF files. The point being that DDF files are an easy way to produce marked up text, and Ovation Pro can read them if the DDF filter is installed. File appears by kind permission of XAT(9K).

Programming Tutorials (duplicates of above, but they're on the CD too)

Script programming
Location Others.Pettigrew.Resources
A series of two articles written by John Pettigrew on using the Ovation Pro script language published in the February and March 1999 editions of Acorn User.

Location Others.Howatt.Resources
A series of three articles by Tony Howatt on writing Ovation Pro applets.

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